The parade we are marching in this year is the Old Neighborhood parade, in South Buffalo, it is on Saturday March 15th., 11-2pm
You DO NOT have to be a Buffalo Heavies to march with us, more people just makes us look cooler.
Kilts are the preferred dress, second is anything green (it is St. Pat's day after all) Any Buffalo Heavies attire is greatly appreciated.
Things I have learned so far:
- the parade starts at 11am (we are usually in group 4 and will start actually moving later on) , - Please be on site no later than 10:30am.
- this is Buffalo. It can be well diggers ass cold in March and it might rain. Dress for this and you wont have many problems.
- bad weather does not deter alot of people from showing up for this parade or drinking heavily (adjust as needed to the crowds and event)
- they are serious about not throwing things from your parade float
- so long as you don't act like idiots they turn a blind eye towards drinking at the parade (downtown did, I'm assuming they will too)
- kids can get bored waiting around for the parade to start and during the slow ride, you might want to think about a babysitter that day
- We are staged on the actual South Park bridge. (presumably we will be again). I will know more after the parade meeting March 4th.
- I will have some libations and donuts for the beginning and end of parade (food is on your own)
- There are port-o-pottys along the parade route
. I will have the truck at the end of the parade. We can take you back to the beginning, but then I'm planning on heading to Flying Bison
Brewery, or someplace after the parade (give the parade bars a chance to calm down, thought this is subject to change) You are more than welcome to
go there or you can make your own plans (South Buffalo is gonna be jumpin')
This parade costs us to participate in. As does the donuts, booze and coffee I provide for the parade route. All this comes out of pocket and not the Buffalo Heavies account. The Buffalo Heavies money is earmarked for insurance and equipment up keep. I think this is a worthwhile, fun event and will continue to support it. If you would like to make a donation to the cause, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Below is the Parades Dos, Don'ts and other info including a map of the parade route.